Apr112016Company NewsUncategorized LIGHTsource welcomes Shane O’Brien to our Controls Team, effective 4/11/2016. Email Shane and help us welcome him. Email Shane Categories: Company News, UncategorizedBy YLB AdminApril 11, 2016 Author: YLB Admin https://yourlightingbrand.com/ Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Now Representing Juno Lighting GroupNextNext post:Acuity Controls nLight AirRelated PostsKenall Indigo-CleanAugust 15, 2016Acuity Controls nLight AirAugust 10, 2016Now Representing Juno Lighting GroupJanuary 17, 2016CongratulationsMay 19, 2015Welcome Ken ArmstrongMay 14, 2015Welcome Dawn AldersonApril 9, 2015